
Games & Sports :

The institution has a year-round involvement in sports and games like Football, Cricket, Kabadi, Volleyball, Kho-Kho and so on with an annual sports in winter. Madrasah cricket team has a record of performances as they participated in “CAB (under-16) Cricket Tournament”, in State level where as in football the Madrasah team took part in “Subrata cup Football tournament” also in State level for conjugative 3 years. And in the Kabadi, the team has participated in ”Kabadi competition” organized by Nehru Yuba Kendra and performed very well as champion.

Seven students of this Madrasah are being selected as future prospect of Indian footballers who are sent to Nagpur to get and gain football coaching with educational facilities side by side “Slum Soccer”.

Cultural :

The institution has an involvement in cultural programmes also, such as, the celebrations of Independence Day & Republic Day. Rabindra-Nazrul Jayanti, Farewell Functions etc. In each case the pupil (the participants) are tracing their well efforts to have gained a performance of credit. In “Youth Parliament competition” the performers from here win prizes every year.

Skill Development program :

Two major courses of the Vocational stream courses are being served here. And these are (i) Jori- work Kantha Embroidery (Short term course), (ii) Trailoring

Meena Mancha :

The another important quality of the Madrasah is the introduction of “Meena Mancha” in 2012 and run it, Comprising with 28 students under the president ship of Headmaster with the supervision of a “Sugam Karta” Mr. Md. Abul Barkat, A.T. The mancha serves a multifunctional activities like- reduce the percentage of drop outs, help to stop early marriage, to get madrasah environment sound and healthy and so on.

Blood Donation Camp :

The authority of Madrasah is also aware of social responsibilities and hence the programmers like ” blood donation camp” had been organized last year on 03.10.2015. It had a “Hall-Mark” success and a great influence is marked on in the locality by inspiring the other schools and organizations.

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